Holy Redeemer Eritrean Catholic Gheez-Rite Chaplaincy መድኃኔ ዓለም ካቶሊካዊት ቤተ ክርስቲያን ሥርዓት ግዕዝ - ለንደን
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Holy Redeemer Eritrean Catholic Gheez-Rite Chaplaincy
St. Aidan of Lindisfarne RC Church
85 Old Oak Common Lane
East Acton. London, W3 7DD
  Latest News!  
    * click here

02 July 2013



09 June 2013

ስርዓት ቀብሪ ናይ ኣደይ መብራት ሓጎስ ብረ

ኣደና መብራት ሓጎስ፡ ብምኽንያት ሕማም፡ ብዕለት 4 ሰነ 2013 ካብዛ ዓለም ስለ ዝተፈልየት ናይ ቀብራ ስነ-ስርዓት ከምዚ ቀጺሉ ዘሎ መደብ ኣውጺእና ምህላውና ንኹሉ ሰብና፡ መሓዙትና፡ ፈተውትናን ብትሕትና ንሕብር። ካብ ደቃን ብዓል-ቤታን

1.ፍትሓት: ረቡዕ 12 ሰነ 2013 (ሰዓት2፡00 ድ.ቀ.)
ኣብ፡ St Gabriel’s Church, 15 St. John’s villas,
London N19 3EE (Upper Holloway)
ኣውቶቡሳት፡ 17-43-271-263
2.መቓብር፡ ኣብ Islington Cemetery:
278 High Road, East Finchley,
London N2 9AG
ኣውቶቡሳት፡ 102-143-234-263

09 May 2013

- Come and join us to celebrate the annual feast of Mariam Daarit.....

23 Mar 2013
- ክብረ በዓል መድኃኔ ዓለም ለንደን 7 ሚያዝያ 2013 ዓ. ም.


13 Mar 2013
- ፍኖተ መስቀል Monday to Friday

21 Feb 2013

- Election - ቍምስናዊ ቤት ምኽሪ ምእመናን (ሽማግለ) ECGRC-London: Sunday 24 March 2013, All invited to join us

11 Feb 2013

18 Sep 2012


25 Aug 2012

7 June 2012
In memory of Abune Yacob Yostinos:
Holy Mass and reception on 24th June 2012.......see details below

27 May 2012

11 Apr 2012
Easter message from Abbune Menghesteab Tesfamariam....click here or the file below

23 Mar 2012
H.E. Bishop Fikremariam Hagos, 1st Eparch of the Eparchy of Segheneit:
- Curriculum Vitae and
- Details of the Episcopal Consecrtion and Enthronement that will take place on 20th and 27th May .........click here

19 Mar 2012
The Eritrean Catholic Gheez-Rite Chaplaincy (London) is going to have its annual general meeting this Sunday 25th March 2012 at St Aidan's after Mass. All members of the Chaplaincy are invited to attend the meeting.

17 Mar 2012
Message from Abune Mengisteab Tesfamariam................click here

13 Mar 2012
Pictorial report on Catholic Gheez in Stuttgare.........25 years since its establishment... ምምስራት ካቶሊካዊት ምስዮንን ቁምስናን ኣብ ሰበኻ ሮተንቡርግ -ሽቱትጋርት ጀርመን click here to read more

 24 Feb 2012 
24 Feb 2012
Please join us in Fnote Mekel services every day after 6:30pm. detailed program as below:

12 Feb 2012

03 Jan 2012

19 Dec 2011
Christmas Events

We are pleased to announce that the Subae (Annual Retreat) 2010 DVDs are now out and on sale. This four part DVD (£25.00), a total of 12hrs of worship, prayers, songs, adoration…….and more are now available to buy from our church. To buy or distribute, please contact Daniel at products@catholicgheez.org or visit the ‘Products’ page of our website.

31 Oct 2011
Subae 2011 

I just want to thank the wonderful Lord Whom we all worship and adore for the wonderful time we had had in London the last four days. It was just unBELIEVABLE to experience the power of the presence of the Holy Family amongst us from the very first song we sang on Thursday evening. We began with the new song "Iyesus Mariam (Jesus Mary Joseph) that evening and I just knew we were there for incredible.................For more, click the link below


10 Sep 2011


30 Aug 2011
*  Annual Retreat (Subae) - 27-30 Oct 2011  *
The Eritreans Catholic Gheez-Rite Chaplaincy (ECGRC) cordially invites you to its 2011 Annual  Retreat (Subae). 

11 Aug 2011

23 Jun 2011

12 June 2011
In memory of Abune Yacob Yostinos:
Holy Mass and reception on 26th June 2011.......see details below:

28 May 2011
Announcement on the feast of Mariam Daarit.....

26 May 2011

23 Apr 2011

22 Apr 2011
Abune Mengisteab Tesfamariam's Easter message (click below)

+++ Change of venue +++


Due to scaffolding and refurbishment work in St Aidan’s church, Bishop Mengisteab Tesfamariam of the Eparchy of Asmara will celebrate holy mass at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church, White City on Tuesday 15th March at 6:30PM. The full address is:


Commonwealth Avenue

White City

London W12 7QR


The ECGRC apologies for any inconvenience.
12 Mar 2011
Bishop Mengisteab Tesfamariam of the Eparchy of Asmara has already arrived in the United Kingdom and currently he is visiting Sheffield, Birmingham and Leeds. He will arrive in London on Monday 14 March 2011 and will celebrate a Holy Mass for us on Tuesday 15th March evening at 6:30pm at St Aidan's, East Acton. Please Join us and pass this message to all faithful.
Click ‘how to find us’ link for map and direction.
ECGRC-London Shemagle

11 Feb 2011
A Holy Mass to celebrate the Annual feast of Kidane-Mehret will be held on Sun 20 Feb 2011.
Join us at 12:45 for Holy Rosary prayer, followed by a Sunday Holy Mass.
Reception after Holy Mass will be at, 79 St Charles Square, Ladbroke Grove, London W10 6EB
Mahber Kidane Mihret, Tsega Tekleberhan 
11 Jan 2011
Message from Abba Ephrem Andom

05 Jan 2011
Message from Abba Ephrem Andom 

05 Jan 2011
Message from Abune Mengisteab Tesfamariam:

20 Nov 2010
A 28 page magazine in memory of Abune Yacob Yostinos and pictorial report on Cardinal Leonardo Sandri’s five days visit to Eritrea , including a message from Abune Megesteab Tesfamariam……………. Click here
Slide photos: Click here

7 Nov 2010
Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ,


The Eritrean Catholic Gheez-Rite Chaplaincy (ECGRC-London) have concluded its 4-day annual prayer retreat on Sunday 31st Oct 2010. Visitors from USA, Europe and other parts of UK have joined this powerful prayer conference.


The conference’s main theme was ‘’But as for me, it is good to be near God. Psalm 73:28‘’. Abba Ephrem Andom, who was the moderator of the seminar, had conducted prayer programs, spiritual teachings and worships, where we felt the peaceful presence of the Holy Spirit.


Abba Ghebreyesus Ghebrezghi from north England and Abba Kidane Lebasi from London were the two guest speakers who have conducted seminars & teachings to make the retreat memorable. Thanks to Almighty God, the four-day retreat was blessed with continuous songs of praises led by a vibrant Selam We’Senay choir.


Reconciliation, adoration, testimonies, Holy Rosary, Holy Mass, children activities and social get-together were part of this beautiful, moving and life-changing prayer conference.


Please check our website for highlight of the retreat, preview of a new DVD and more………


May the Lord’s grace and peace be with you,


26 Sep 2010
A quick note to remind you that we are moving from St. Francis to St. Aidan Church. Details below:

04 Sep 2010
The Eritreans Catholic Gheez-Rite Chaplaincy (ECGRC) cordially invites you to its 2010 Annual  Retreat (Subae).
*  Annual Retreat (Subae) - 28-31 Oct 2010  *
Detailed program V1.0 - click here
Click here for detailed program V2.0

09 Aug 2010
Join us for Mehlela ZeFilseta from 6-8pm at St Aidan of Lindisfarne, East Acton Stn. Buses: 95, 7, 72, 228, 283, 260, 70, 272.
Click here to Enter (Audio and readings)

11 May 2010

A Holy Mass to celebrate the Annual feast of Mariam Daarit will be held on Sat 29 May at St. Francis Of Assisi R C Church, Pottery Lane, London, W11 4NQ. Holy Mass in Gheez Rite starts at 1:45PM, followed by a reception with Eritrean dish and refreshments at Sion-Manning, St. Charles Square, London, W10 6EL.


10 Apr 2010 
New ECGRC Pastoral Council (Shemagle) had its first meeting on 5th Apr and elected its executive bodies as:
1. Ato Yosief Abrehe (Chairperson)
2. Ato Aron Ghebre (Vice-Chairperson)
3. Ato Hamd Fadega (Secretary)
4. W/ro Tsega Tekleberhan (Vice-Secretary)
5. W/t Lydia Petros (Finance Coordinator)
6. W/ro Genet Abraham (Welcoming Coordinator)
7. Ato Tsehaye Woldu (Liturgy Coordinator)
8. Ato Yitbarek Habtay (Grassroots Communities Coordinator)
9. W/t Sara Mengis (Children's Catechism Coordinator)
10. Ato Filmon (Selam Wesenay Youth Group Representative) 
The remaining eight members who were elected as reserves will support the above Shemagles and will be working as assistances.

03 Apr 2010

22 Mar 2010
The members of the ECGRC have elected new Pastoral Council (Shemagle)
The members of the Eritrean Catholic Gheez-Rite Chaplaincy (ECGRC-London) have elected new Pastoral Council (Shemagle) on Sunday 21st March 2010. The new elected Pastoral Council will serve the members of the ECGRC for the next term (March 2010 – March 2013) and are expected to choose their chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary and vice-secretary amongst themselves very soon.


The Newly Elected Members are:

§  Ato Yetbarek Habtay

§  Ato Yosief Abrehe

§  Wt. Lydia Petros

§  Wro. Tsega Tekleberhan

§  Wro. Genet Abraham

§  Ato Tsehaye Woldu

§  Ato Hamd Fadega

§  Ato Aron Ghebre

Part 1 
Part 2
25 Feb 2010
Easter Events

20 Feb 2010

12 Feb 2010
A Holy Mass to celebrate the Annual feast of Kidane-Mehret will be held on Sun 21 Feb.
Join us at 12:30 for Holy Rosary prayer, followed by a Sunday Holy Mass.

08 Feb 2010
Coming Events

05 Feb 2010
New Electoral Board
The members of the Eritrean Catholic Gheez-Rite Chaplaincy (ECGRC) have elected three members as ‘Electoral Board’ in a general assembly on Sunday 31st Jan 2010. The three members elected are Tsega Tekleberhan, Dr. Kebreab Isaac and Adenay Ekubezgi.
The main task of the Electoral Board will be to facilitate the smooth election of the new Chaplaincy Pastoral Council (Shemagle); by helping the ECGRC members understand the process of the election, and at the election day collecting the names of candidates, counting the cast and announcing the names of the elected members of the new Chaplaincy Pastoral Council (Shemagle).


The general election for Chaplaincy Pastoral Council (Shemagle) will be held on Sunday 21st Mar 2010.

25 Jan 2010


General Meeting

 A general meeting will be held on Sunday 31 Jan 2010 to elect an Electoral Board for a new ECGRC Pastoral Council (Shemagle) that has to be elected on 21st March 2010.

Venue: St. Francis Of Assisi R C Church, Pottery Lane, W11 4NQ

Date: Sunday 31 Jan

Time: 3:30PM after Gheez-Rite Holy Mass

Duration: 30min

Agenda: To choose three members to act as Electoral Board

18 Dec 2009
Chrstimas Events 
-> Wednesday 6th January 2010 – Gheez Christmas Mass in the evening. Program starts with Wazema at around 06:30PM followed by Gheez Holy Mass.
-> Thursday 7th January 2010 – Gheez Christmas 2002. Rehus Beal Ledet!

11 Nov 2009
Testimony on London Subae
My Dear Family in Christ:

Blessed be the Almighty God, for allowing me to be part of the eye witness report I am about to briefly unfold so those who did not make it to this Dynamic Spiritual Retreat of the E.C.G.R.C, Saint Frances of Assisi London can get an Idea of the preparedness of our brothers and sisters there.

When I planned to attend the London Retreat, it was with the intention of showing my support and solidarity to the faithful, so that the Spiritual movement among Geez Rite Catholics will spread though, internationally but little did I know that the support and morale was to the contrary to me instead.

I invited a friend from Italy who came with other friends, others Joined from Germany and numerous  Scandinavian countries, yet our presence and input to the retreat was insignificant in comparison to the attentiveness of the faithful in London. I was repeatedly reminded of Asmara the San Francesco Gagiret, or  the Gedame Sitawyan Paradiso in late 70th .   Shortly I was not prepared for this kind of volcanic Spiritual eruption in Europe in such a short period.

Among the many Remarkable observations, their punctuality was impressive.  There was no time to waste from start to finish of the four day program; every drop of the hours listed in the agenda were  utilized to the maximum. No offence to us, but I felt as if I was in a non Habeeshana paid-professional seminars:  adherence  to time was too good to believe. Few additional things I can highlight as well.

The Depth of The Seminar- Focused on Worship "Amlkho"
I will only say that I recommend each individual to Buy the DVD when Available. My whole expense and hassle was worth it. It was a well prepared and life changing four day seminar. I attribute it to the church for providing such brilliant teaching and means. It was alternated between both Abba Ephrem and Abba Mesfin hopefully the DVD will be released soon. Abba Mesfin was there for a purpose that is not apparent to the many of us which only reveals that God is in Control of his work and people. It was a Divine inspired Seminar but I do not want to take away from the value of the DVD so I will not discuss on the content of the Seminar you can see the Clip of DVD from the web as well. (see below) 

Youth Ministry:
The Youth Choir that you see on the video (Link below) are groomed not only with spiritual song but with prayer and Catechism every Thursday Evening of the week throughout the year.  This says a lot about them when compared to the many of us who seldom make it to the full term Mass on Sundays.
Engaging Children in Spirituality:
On Saturday afternoon,  Children First came to the church, got blessed, responded with prayer guided by Abba Ephrem and went back to their activities. During Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, I was shocked to see them brought back in line (I mean quite Line) to the front at the Altar to bow to the holy Eucharist and sit quietly to have a moment with Jesus and then amazingly quietly left in line with out any noise or commotion. I was thinking of the time and effort spent molding them in such a way!!!!

On Sunday morning. during the same Adoration procedure took place and the were unspeakably quiet in front of Jesus -please check out one of the videos where a toddler bowed for pray on Sunday Morning.

At Holy Mass, little kids participate with microphone at the Altar in prayer, where the faithful responds by saying "Lord hear our prayer" This too was stunning to me.

Engaging Adults in Spirituality:
One that captured my mind was the care free vocal prayer periods given to us to pray for our intentions in whatever method, some raising hands some holding hearts as you noticed on the video, some bowing heads, sounded like an open conversation with God the Father, or God the Son, or God the Holy Spirit where each individual had their own to ask, under the same roof with their brothers and sisters in the same holy Ground; Can you for a moment focus on the faith that each was asking separately at the same moment to one listener, Our Lord, where eventually summed up by Abba Ephrem as  the faithful responded by “A m e n” and Abba Ephrem Pleaded on behalf of many inclusive of or our Nation Eritrea.

The beautiful observation I made was that the predominant numbers of the faithful, male or female did often raise hands to the Almighty God. I was touched by their humility and earnest prayers. Clearly demonstrating  presence of the Holy Spirit by their child-like innocence in prayer that focused to the Altar without regard to the Left or Right. During “Ambro Id” you would feel as if you are being blessed by a priest, as each one  put hands on neighbors shoulder and  prayed with humility asking God for the benefit of their neighbor.

On Saturday during Confession and Sunday before Holy Mass Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is highly emphasized; a generous amount of time is provided where the faithful spent time in silence talking to God the Son which touched my heart deeply with envy, for I am not familiar with such over-emphasized time in sacrament of  confession and Adoration in Geez Rite Abroad. The Silence by itself gave a glimpse of heaven and the spiritual songs designated for adoration and Worship compelled me to tears. Once every one was cleansed with confession then the two priests came to Altar and Burakie took place. Very touching.

Holy Rosary in that beautiful Church of Saint Francis of Assisi, on Sunday Morning, before the Holy Mass, sort of  carries you away with spirituality. The atmosphere was so Holy: As  people kept on coming to the church the Rosary went on by the faithful where I also suppose confession may have been taking place at that particular moment (As I said I have not seen any unutilized moment ). Followed Exposition of the Holy Eucharist  again  on Sunday before the Holy Mass: One priest accompanied the Blessed Sacrament and the second one Timed each group with a bell ring as each group in each pew went on line to the altar and spent short time with Jesus.

As you can see the ushers (Smagletat of Church) wearing Blue cord on Saturday and Red Cord on Sunday are the ones you see moving the rest stayed put.

Solidarity among the Faithful:
So much Harmony, respect, Love and Solidarity were portrayed. I admired the faithful for that. I was also briefed that any partiality in the name of any reason is highly discouraged in the life of that church.

Some One, (our late  church Member, Yemane Tesfay's sister) observed me so fascinated that teased me saying “Now do not tell us that you will remain in London…..:-)”(if I had a choice it was very tempting, I replied back). Spiritual Catholic Life is surely at its best in London.

I have no way of describing how Abba Ephrem is whole heartedly embraced by his congregation. It is as if  Christ - disciples like relationship that I gathered and observed. A good Manager delegates in the business world and what I observed in this particular church is that the faithful was put to gear to drive while Abba Ephrem oversees and guides.  It is impossible to think that every individual was a baptized Catholic but you cannot differentiate, one from the other. From the Video and Camera Men to the little children bowing to the Holy Eucharist worked and worshiped whole heartedly and joyfully with passion. Please pray for Abba Ephrem and all our spiritual Fathers all over: for their safe comings and goings. They are the Treasure of the Church and us the faithful. What they are doing for the faithful is immense, they are the practical hope of our  youth who need a great deal of understanding and accommodation all over the world.

As I got a brief opportunity I asked Abba Eprhrem if the Choir Youth were all Catholics and the response was a big Yes. One of them Received First communion that Sunday and converted to Catholicism after a good year followship and a six month Seminar. Abba Ephrem emphasized that if we have everything at their back yard no need to worship elsewhere, which I believe is an answer to the vast loss of Catholic Youth to other churches.

Guess who the one who Joined the Catholic Church was? my Host Family assigned by the church, that I spent my days with, in London. Apparently the Holy Spirit (as there is no coincidence in his providence) wanted to learn a lesson from this.

My tolerance to anti-Catholic sentiment is poor but a bigger lesson learned from this incidence and that is that we should teach by example, and  tolerate people be themselves until whatever time they need before demanding to see what we see; otherwise no amount of word in absence of action or good example will help bring light.   As I asked her "what attracted her to the Catholic Church ?", she replied "the  method of worship and the Holy Eucharist". I was Honored to part take as she selected the appropriate outfit (White Dress) for that special event that Sunday morning.  I informed my brother in London to bring Camera and her day was memorable with lots of pictures and celebrations after church on Sunday Evening. Someone brought me an olive oil, a bottle of earth and water from Jordan River, along with an olive Cross in a case from Israel that unopened I carried it in my purse by mistake, I felt was appropriate for her. That too was not a coincidence; Jesus wanted her to have it along with the beautiful friendship we formed for as long as we breath.

Blessed be God for Every thing

Your sister in Christ
Agazit 11/11/09

19 Oct 2009
Annual Retreat (Subae) 2009.........
For  more information, click here

30 Sep 2009

All members of the Eritrean Catholic Gheez Rite are invited to a yearly general meeting on Sunday 11 Oct 2009 after our Sunday Mass (@1530).
Pastoral Council (Shemagle)



Menu 2


Yearly Prayer Retreat
2019 (12th)
2018 (11th)
2016 (9th)
2015 (8th)
2014 (7th)
2013 (6th)
2012 (5th)
2011 (4th)
2010 (3rd)
2009 (2nd)
2008 (1st)
2006 (***)

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